Extended run parameters for Saucelabs & BrowserStack

How to send extended run parameters to Saucelabs and Browserstack

Using the JSON extended run parameters file you can send more configuration parameters to Saucelabs and BrowserStack.

For example, if you are looking to run a test on a specific browser version and timezone :

  1. Create a json file with the following:
       "screenResolution": "2560x1600" ,
       "timeZone": "New_York"
  1. In the CLI, add  :  --sauce-options  ".json"

The extended run parameters can be used in the following use cases:

  • Control devices allocation
  • Control Appium version
  • Control auto alerts approval
  • Control data captured on grid for example
  • Disable video
  • Disable network logs
  • Custom test results mapping with build and project option caps
  • Control reset strategy

Override rules for extended run parameter (mobile)

The JSON extended run parameters file settings overrides the following settings:

  • CLI Flags (deviceName, osVersion)
  • Mobile Config
  • Default values such as: autoGrantPermissions, AutoAcceptAlerts, Disable video capturing.


PlatformVersion capabilities

platformVersion capability is validated and used to compute which Appium version should be used, for example if the client requested Appium version equals “1.22.2” with platformVersion equals “17.2” on IOS run, it will automatically use Appium 2 and throw a warning to the user about it (same way as osVersion from (mobile config /cli flag) logic.


For Web:

Add to your CLI:  --sauce-options  "config_saucelabs.json"

Example to the file:

  "browserName": "Chrome",
  "browserVersion": "latest",
  "platformName": "Windows 10",
  "sauce:options": {
      "screenResolution": "1920x1080",
      "extendedDebugging": true

Sauce lab options for params: https://wiki.saucelabs.com/display/DOCS/Test+Configuration+Options

For mobile:

  • Use W3C format for Appium (without prefix) and saucelabs options.

Appium caps

Appium versions

Saucelabs options


"deviceName": "Samsung Galaxy S10+", 

"platformVersion": "12", 

"autoGrantPermissions": false, 

"sauce:options": { 

 	"build": "build from json file", 

"name": "test json file caps" 




For web:

Add to your CLI:  --browserstack-options "config_browserstack.json"
All supported override parameters

    "project": "my project",
    "build": "build 4.5",
    "browserstack.debug": false,
    "browserstack.console": "info",
    "browserstack.networkLogs": true,
    "browserstack.video": false,
    "browserstack.timezone": "New_York",
    "browserstack.selenium_version": "3.5.2",
    "browser_version": 61,
    "resolution" : "2048x1536"

BrowserStack options for params:

For mobile:

  • Use W3C capabilities format for Appium extended run parameters without the prefix
  • Use legacy (Wire JSON) format for BrowserStack extended run parameters.

Appium caps

[Browserstack options](https://www.browserstack.com/app-automate/capabilities?tag=jsonwire JSON File Example:)

// need to fix project and build (W3C format changed to projectName, buildName) 

"project": "json-project-test", 

 "build": "json-build-test", 

        "platformVersion": "12", 

        "deviceName": " Google Pixel 7", 

 "browserstack.debug": false, 

 "browserstack.console": "info", 

 "browserstack.networkLogs": true, 

 "browserstack.video": false 
